Aplikasi Cydia Terbaik Terbaru 2014

 On Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014  

We break down the all-time best Cydia apps for your jailbroken iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch


Auxo is one of the best approaches to multitasking we've ever seen
Fungsi Auxo adalah  menunjukkan preview live aplikasi terbuka (lihat gambar)


Gesture lets you replace your home button with intuitive gestures
Lelah selalu menekan dan double-menekan tombol home iPhone Anda? Zephyr akan menggantinya dengan serangkaian gerakan intuitif. 


TetherMe activates iOS' native hotspot without subscribing to your carrier's tethering pla...
TetherMe memungkinkan Anda mengaktifkan hotspot pribadi iPhone Anda tanpa terdetect provider

BiteSMS, Messages+

BiteSMS lets you quick-reply to messages from anywhere in iOS
Dua aplikasi, dengan satu tujuan: untuk meningkatkan pesan iOS. Kedua BiteSMS dan Messages + membiarkan Anda cepat membalas teks tanpa meninggalkan aplikasi yang sedang berjalan


SwipeSelection makes editing text much easier
Typing on an iPad isn't ideal, but it's tolerable. Editing text, though, is a pain. SwipeSelection improves it dramatically: slide across the keyboard to move the cursor, and slide from either shift key to select text.


Merge organizes your messaging threads by person, rather than email address or phone numbe...
Tired of having multiple iMessage threads for the same person? Merge combines all of your conversations for each contact into a single thread.
It's another Cydia app that Apple would be wise to emulate.


Sparrow+ brings push notifications (and a few other tweaks) to the Google-owned email app
Sparrow, one of the best third-party email clients on iOS, doesn't support push notifications. Sparrow+ changes that, while also giving the app an iPad layout and letting you set it as your default email client.


SBSettings gives you quick access to system toggles
How could we not include SBSettings? This classic jailbreak tweak gives you a quick drop-down menu for a variety of system toggles. You can customize it, theme it, and even view it in Notification Center.


iFile gives you direct access to the iOS file system
iFile, a full-fledged iOS file manager, sits next to SBSettings in the pantheon of all-time great Cydia apps. It gives you complete control over your device, at root level.
Copy, paste, rename, change permissions ... iFile hits all the marks you'd want a file manager to hit. Unless you're familiar with the iOS file structure, though, we'd recommend using with caution.


NoNewsIsGoodNews puts a hit out on the Newsstand icon
If you don't use the iOS Newsstand app, you might want to hide its icon. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't let you put it in your "crap I don't use" folder.
Jailbreakers have an easy solution. Install NoNewsIsGoodNews, and marvel as the Newsstand icon evaporates. If you have any Newsstand magazines, their icons will move to the homescreen.


MapsOpener makes Google Maps your default mapping app
iOS users rejoiced when the standalone Google Maps app hit the App Store. But when you open maps links in Safari or other apps, iOS still defaults to Apple Maps. MapsOpener saves the day by making Google Maps the iOS default maps app.


iBlacklist gives you control over who calls your iPhone
Do you have an ex who just won't let go? Or did your phone number once belong to someone who owed a lot of money? Install iBlacklist, and you can block any number.
It's highly customizable, with blacklists, whitelists, and options to block all unknown numbers.


CameraTweak adds advanced photography tools to the stock camera app
The App Store is full of third-party camera apps that add extra photography tools. CameraTweak, though, integrates several new tricks into the stock iOS camera app.
After installing, the camera app will have new controls like separate focus/exposure, white balance, and a timer countdown.
Like all the best Cydia apps, CameraTweak adds functionality without over-complicating.


RetinaPad runs blown up iPhone apps in full resolution on the iPad
If you run iPhone apps upscaled on a non-Retina iPad (including the iPad mini), they're so pixelated you'll think you're playing an Atari game. RetinaPad solves this by running them in 3.5-inch iPhones' Retina (960 x 640) resolution.

Winterboard, Dreamboard

Dreamboard lets you customize the look of your phone, like the Xtreme S HD theme pictured ...
Want to radically alter the look and feel of iOS? The classic Winterboard and newer Dreamboard have you covered.
The apps themselves are only the starting points. Cydia is chock full of themes, and your level of customization is only limited by developers' imaginations.


Pkgbackup is a highly-customizable backup/restore system for your Cydia apps
When you have a jailbroken device, upgrading or restoring is a pain. PKGBackup simplifies the process of reinstalling your Cydia apps. It backs them up, stores them locally or in the cloud, and restores automatically.

Robert Broglia's gaming emulators

Robert Broglia's Snes9x EX+ lets you play classic Super Nintendo ROMs
If you want to play classic MarioZelda, or Sonic games on your iPhone or iPad, Cydia has a number of emulators for old-school consoles. We recommend developer Robert Broglia's emulators (like NES.emu, SNes9x EX, and MD.emu) for their rock-solid emulation, customization, and polished virtual controls.
In many regions, distributing game ROMs is considered a copyright violation, so we'd recommend researching your country's rules before proceeding.

Octopus Keyboard

Octopus keyboard is a quality knock-off of the BlackBerry 10 keyboard
Octopus Keyboard is a solid knock-off of the BlackBerry 10 keyboard. Like the BB10 QWERTY, tapping a key will bring up tiny predictions for the word you're typing. If you see the word you're going for, just swipe up to select.
It may be a blatant BlackBerry rip-off, but Octopus Keyboard can save you some keystrokes … and spice up Apple's unchanged-after-six-years stock keyboard.

Pull to Dismiss

Pull to Dismiss lets you dismiss the keyboard with a quick swipe
If you've ever wanted a quick way to dismiss the iPhone keyboard, check out Pull to Dismiss. As its name implies, pulling down on the keyboard slides it off of the screen. Handy for apps with poor keyboard implementation.


MultiIconMover makes moving multiple app icons a piece of cake
Moving multiple apps to different homescreens can be an exercise in tedium. This tweak makes it easy.
To use, hold one icon until it wiggles, then tap every other icon you want to move. Slide to the screen you want to move them to, press the home button, and – presto! – your apps are there.


Stride lets you unlock your iPhone with custom gestures
Stride replaces your iPhone's "slide to unlock" with custom unlock gestures. It's more secure than the standard unlock method, and much more fun than using a passcode.

Springtomize 2

Springtomize is a collection of little iOS tweaks
Springtomize 2 is like 100 jailbreak tweaks in one. It's a toolbox for making changes to your homescreen, dock, carrier logo, and many other aspects of iOS. Tweaks are arranged by category, and easily toggled.

PasswordPilot Pro

Password Pilot lets you customize how often the App Store asks for your password
Do you ever tire of entering your Apple ID password for every purchase or update? Password Pilot lets you customize the App Store’s verification requirements.
Just know that you'll be opening the door to anyone else who uses your phone to easily make purchases.

Hands-free Control

Hands-free Control lets you activate Siri without touching your device
Hands-free Control lets you evoke Siri without touching your iDevice. Designate a keyword (the default is "Siri") that will activate the virtual assistant. Say the magic word, and Siri will spring into action – even if you're on the other side of the room.


AssistantLove lets you play any Spotify song or album through Siri
Siri is happy to take musical requests, but the assistant can only play music from your iTunes library. AssistantLove links to your Spotify account (if you’re a paid subscriber), plugging Siri into an enormous music database.
As a nice bonus, AssistantLove also lets you set Google Maps (or a variety of other mapping apps) as Siri's default for directions.

IntelliscreenX, LockInfo

Intelliscreen X lets you customize your lockscreen
Want to pimp your lockscreen? Both IntelliscreenX and LockInfo have you covered. They let you customize its look and the information it shows.
LockInfo is the more customizable of the two, letting you tweak nearly every aspect of your notifications. IntelliscreenX is simpler and more streamlined, and – as a nice bonus – includes Messages+ with your purchase.

Dashboard X 2.0

Dashboard X puts live widgets on your homescreen
Android has long embraced widgets, but – apart from a couple in Notification Center – Apple hasn’t allowed them in iOS. Dashboard X 2.0 puts that decision back in your hands.
After installing Dashboard X 2.0, you can place any Cydia widget (usually meant for Notification Center) on your homescreen. Everything from your Facebook feed to HTC-like weather widgets are fair game.


Quasar gives the iPad window-based multitasking
Quasar is iPad multitasking with a desktop twist. It runs your applications in resizable, rotatable, and overlappable windows. It's as close as you'll get to Mac OS X on your iPad.

Infinifolders, FolderEnhancer

Folder Enhancer, er, enhances your folders
Each iOS folder only allows a limited number of apps. If you find your folders filling up, you can turn to Infinifolders or FolderEnhancer.
Infinifolders is the simpler of the two, letting you put as many apps as you want into any folder. FolderEnhancer, meanwhile, allows up to 320 icons in a folder, as well as folders within folders, and lots of other customizations.


My3G removes Wi-Fi-only restrictions from apps
If your carrier doesn’t yet support FaceTime over 3G/LTE, check out My3G. It lets you use any Wi-Fi-restricted app over your mobile data network.


Activator lets you create iOS triggers and responses
Activator is one of the most basic – and useful – jailbreak apps. It's the iOS equivalent of "If This Then That."
Choose a trigger action (like sliding on the status bar, triple-pressing the home button, or speaking a voice command), and the desired result (like opening a specific app, or activating another tweak). Activator takes care of the rest.

How to install

To get any of these top jailbreak apps, open Cydia (it installs automatically with your jailbreak) and search away. Paid apps require an Amazon or Paypal account.
All of these apps are available in Cydia's default repositories. It will take time before they're all compatible with iOS 7, but Cydia usually prevents you from downloading incompatible tweaks anyway.
Aplikasi Cydia Terbaik Terbaru 2014 4.5 5 Widyan Irwadi Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014 Aplikasi Cydia Terbaik Terbaru 2014 Auxo Fungsi Auxo adalah  menunjukkan preview live aplikasi terbuka (lihat gambar) Zephyr Lelah selalu menekan dan double-menek...

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